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Key members of staff are listed here. See also our advisory board.

I find your site highly informative and your explanations of various parts of deferred comp to be well written and reader-friendly.
—Bruce Miller, CFP®
CFP instructor, University of Portland

BRUCE BRUMBERG (Editor-in-Chief) has devoted most of his professional career to making complex legal and tax concepts understandable to people who do not enjoy reading the Internal Revenue Code or the securities laws. myNQDC.com is the latest in a long line of successful publications that he has helped to create.

In myStockOptions.com, Bruce created the premier source of web-based educational content and tools on stock compensation for plan participants, financial advisors, companies, and stock plan providers. Bruce is also the executive producer of the best-selling Think Twice Video Series on preventing insider trading. The highly respected newsletters and web content conceived and written by his other company, Brumberg Publications, include the Digest For Compliance Professionals, the Review For Dealmakers, and the Brief for Investment Management Professionals. The first two were published by Bowne & Co. for over 20 years. The Brief is now published by RR Donnelley.

Bruce is also a significant contributor to the NASPP’s Stock Plan Advisor and has contributed to The Corporate Executive. Recently, Bruce and his staff created a new publication (along with related web content) called Dimensions. Published by Merrill Corporation, the newsletter focuses on XBRL, along with other topics in accounting, securities compliance, and financial reporting. He is also involved in a venture with SocialSecuritySolutions.com, a website that helps individuals and their advisors make smarter decisions about when to take Social Security benefits. Bruce graduated from the University of Michigan (Phi Beta Kappa) and the University of Virginia School of Law.

Often contacted by business and financial journalists for expert comment, Bruce has even been a guest on radio shows and podcasts, such as The Lemonade Stand at UR Business Network.

I think your site is a winner! Great information in one location.
—Gene Stern, CLU®, CRPC, CFP®
Lincoln Financial Advisors

MATT SIMON (Editor & Content-Manager) has been an editor and writer in publishing since 1996. In addition to his role with myNQDC.com, he is a veteran of our other website myStockOptions.com and our sister firm Brumberg Publications, which produces periodicals, books, and training videos on legal and financial subjects. He has BA and MA degrees in history from the University of Massachusetts.

STEVEN O’DONNELL (Director of Technology) studied Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and English at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was a freelance web developer and designer before joining the myStockPlan technology team in 2007.